youtube movies

February 11, 2007

Agressive Violent Atheists – By Brett Keane

Filed under: interesting, Video, videos, youtube — youtubemovie @ 3:30 am

Youtube Commments:
“Why so much HATE Mr Atheist? huh? Why don’t you just stop hating our religions and bend over like a bitch and love us while we FUCK you and ABUSE your constitutional rights? Stop being angry and let us do as we please! Why are you resisting our fist fucking huh?”

The most common retort I hear to atrocities committed in the name of Christianity is the “well Stalin was an atheist” comment. One wonders how much worse he could have been had he had religion to back up his atrocities. Also, I can’t seem to find any mention of his atheism as having to do with anything he did. Perhaps it was actually his disbelief in the Tooth Fairy that was responsible. Hmmmm.

Ha ha, well said. A Christian once told me (after I pointed out all the shit that happened because of religion) that Nazism, Communism, abortion and eugenics were all things done “in the name of atheism”. That person also told me that atheism was responsible for much more killings than religion. WTF? Then they start complaining because we call them delusional.

I knew it! I kept thinking that religion was a mental disease, here I am in college for my master of science pediatric psychology and you are right many religious individuals with their actions concerning religion do come off schitzo-affective and schitzophrenic.

Good video,again. You said “atheism are growing”. In my country, Norway, only 43 percent of the population from 16-28 defines themselves as Christians. The rest is muslims (2 percent)or atheist/agnositcs (the rest). So we are on the way from myths to science!

To all the religious that watch this video, all I have to say is, if you get pissed about what brett is saying, u need to realize that if you called yourself a nazi, u would be treated like shit. So i would say that christians are just like nazis. You get your beliefs from a intollerant book.

I don’t think you understand the meaning of what i was saying… or i’m misinterpreting you… what i was saying is that atheists don’t tolerate people who are intolerant… if someone is intolerant, then we are intolerant towards them… so i don’t get what you’re trying to say.

I think the comparison of Christianity with Schizophrenia is a little extreme! You don’t seriously think all Christians are like that, do you? Heck–most Christians are decent folk who have probably never even read the whole Bible. But maybe the real purpose of saying that is to get the Christian viewers riled up; provoke a response!

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